Connections Showcase 2023

Forbes High School – Collage of the Cs


Forbes High School is located in Forbes, western NSW, on traditional Wiradjuri land.


Forbes High School logo

Students from Forbes High School created collages based on individual parts of the Connections Showcase theme, ‘City, Country, Coast’. They used various materials, including tissue paper, photographs, newspaper clippings and pastels, to depict various landscapes.

City: students produced cityscape collages. Some students chose to create an idealised city that is neat and tidy, while others highlighted the chaos of the city with buildings depicted upside down.

Country: students created collages using digital images of their country town of Forbes. They showcased some of the key landmarks in their hometown to show their appreciation for Forbes.

Coast: Students created collages depicting the ocean using scrunched-up tissue paper to represent the litter we have scattered into our oceans. The use of tissue paper also doubles as abstracted beaches and coral, as these are the places the students think of when discussing Australia’s coast.

Four students hold their collages, each titled ‘Home’, in front of a school sign that says, ‘Forbes High School, education for a better quality of life.’

What did the students and teachers have to say?

  • ‘Creating these artworks with the students was a lot of fun. It was amazing to see them being creative in a new way!’ – Mrs Smith (teacher)
  • ‘I enjoyed the creative process. The opportunity to participate in something like this is a great opportunity for our students. Their creativity comes out in their art. They may not show their passion in every subject, but art is where they can express themselves.’ – Mrs Cheney (SLSO)
  • ‘I love art. I liked colouring in and the colour purple and pink.’ – Bianca (student, Year 7)
  • ‘I really like the coast. I want to live on the coast one day.’ – Will (student, Year 11)

Participating students


Congratulations to the following students from Years 7 to 12 at Forbes High School for their wonderful submissions:

Oscar Browne, Bianca Colvin, Emma Dick, Tylar Diggins, Will Dowd, Alex LeBrocque, Tyson M and Hailey Mckeon Ovington.

Third-party content attributions

  • All student artworks and images courtesy of the respective schools, student artworks © the student artists, 2023, reproduced and communicated with permission.
  • Congratulations banner, created using Canva, 2021.