Connections Showcase

How to enter

Submissions for the 2024 Connections Showcase are now open!

Closing date 15 August

Throughout the year, students and their teachers are offered the opportunity to engage in a variety of projects and programs that enable them to create their own works based on a central theme. Students and their schools are then invited to showcase their works online in Term 4.

The theme for 2024 is 'This is Me'.

Sharing your work with us

The Arts Unit adds audio descriptions and video captions to submissions included in this online showcase. Due to this, we ask that you please provide us with unedited images, not slideshows, and raw video footage, not including closed captions or subtitles.

Please share your artwork via a web link in the application form. We recommend using a cloud storage system e.g. Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox. You can then share the link for this in the application form below.

  • For Google Drive, right click on the file and select 'share' from the dropdown. Select 'anyone with link can view' and copy/paste the link.
  • For OneDrive, hover over the file and select the icon with the curved arrow. Select either 'anyone with link' or 'anyone in the NSW Department of Education with link' and copy/paste the link.
  • For Dropbox, hover over file and select the 'share' button that appears. Check that under the link it's set to 'anyone with link can see it'. Copy/paste the link.

Note: DoE staff have access to both Google Drive (via G Suite) and OneDrive (via Microsoft 365) via their staff portal.

Authority to film and record (permission to publish)

If a student does not have permission to publish please notify Ashley Napoleoni at

Submit your project

School information

Artwork information

What is the name or title of your submission? E.g. 'Autumn Leaves' or 'Treasure'.
Please select the artform that best describes your submission. You may select more than one.
Submission type
Please describe the artwork submission here. If it is visual arts, please provide a short description of what the images are portraying.  You may also like to describe the medium, inspiration, concept and/or process.
Approximately how many students contributed to this piece?
Student years
What are the age groups of the students who created or performed this piece? You may select more than one.
Please list all the student names involved in the submission to be included in the showcase credits.
Please include 2 quotes from teachers and/or parents about the process and outcome. (Also include the first name: eg. Sandara – Parent)
Please include 2 or more quotes from students about what they learnt and enjoyed about the process and the outcome. (Also include the first name and age or year group: eg. Mike – 7 years old)
Video submission
Please provide raw or unedited footage without subtitles or closed captions.
Image submission
One file only.
16 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, zip.
Submission teacher contact information
Teaching position
Additional teacher contact information (if different from above)
Teaching position
Principal information

Principal endorsement

I have received permission from my school principal to submit this application. I understand that they will be included on some correspondence. They are aware of and support this application.

Permission to publish

Permission to publish
I understand that the video and/or images I have submitted may be used partially or in their entirety in a digital showcase. I have confirmed that all students visible in this submission have the correct Permission to Publish. I understand that the digital showcase will be shared online and will be available to the general public. This may include but is not limited to the Arts Unit website, Vimeo page, YouTube page and Facebook page.
I have emailed the program coordinator Ashley Napoeloni the names of any students who do not have permission to publish and have not provided any media in this submission that includes students who do not have permission to publish.
Is there anything else you'd like to add? You can use this section to share additional information or ask questions. (Optional)