Schools Spectacular

Frequently asked questions

Who can apply for the Schools Spectacular?

The Schools Spectacular applications are open to all NSW Public School students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Some categories are limited to students in specific year groups. Check the application page for more information.

Do students who performed in the 2023 Schools Spectacular need to submit a video audition?

Students who were a part of the categories listed below in 2023, and are re-applying for the same category for 2024, do not need to submit a video with their online application. Students will automatically progress to the live audition.

  • Featured artist – instrumentalist
  • Featured artist – vocalist and backing vocalist
  • Featured dance ensemble
  • Core choir
What should I do if I am unavailable on a key date listed on the website?

If you are unavailable on a key date, the team encourages you to email: outlining the date and reason you are unavailable, and the team will get back to you promptly.

I am having issues submitting my application.

Firstly, check that you have submitted the correct information and have filled in all mandatory fields. If issues persist, please email: outlining the issue and the team will assist as best as we can.

I am unsure which category I should be submitting my application into.

If you are unsure which category you should be applying for, visit each of the category application information pages, and read the description and audition process. Alternatively, submit your application into the specialist performer/specialist ensemble category. If the Schools Spectacular team believes your act is more appropriate for an alternative category, you will be informed.

Can students involved in the Talent Development Program audition for Schools Spectacular?

Students who are in the Talent Development Program can audition for Schools Spectacular so long as they are currently enrolled in a NSW Public School.