Operation Art artmaking

Years 3 to 8
Art Bites Visual arts
Tags: All Ability Arts, Inclusive opportunities

A series of artmaking video workshops using mixed media and everyday objects.

Heidi Windeisen holding up two gum leaves painted blue. She is sitting at a desk with paint bottles and plates of paint in front of her.

Art Bites – videos

Junkyard robots

Join Heidi Windeisen as she guides you through the process of making your very own junkyard robot!

The King Sun

This is a mixed media artwork for lower primary based on John Olsen’s artwork titled The King Sun. Children will create their own King Sun using food colouring, acrylic paint and oil pastels or crayons.

Rainbow leaves

Students will learn about tint and shade scales, mixing paint to create an interesting artwork with leaves they have collected.

From the inside out

Never before have we spent so much time inside our homes staring out! A great way to document all of your recent experiences and feelings is through painting! So grab your paintbrush, and let's take a look outside your window!